Understand People; Create Perspective; Drive Performance

 A unique career - a unique approach 

“When planning on how to get from A to B, it’s amazing how many people forget to start with where A is.”

Establish a common point of departure

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Articulate where you want to be

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Choose what needs to be true to get there

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To create a roadmap to your desired future you need to explore three fundamental questions.

Establish a common point of departure

“The most important insight is not usually where we are going, but in truly understanding where we are now.”

  • Simplify, what is our killer insight
  • Clarify what is the single (problem) statement
  • Challenge, build and align

  • What do we already know?
  • What data do we have that can be looked at differently?
  • What current opinions or hypothesis exist?

  • Depth analysis, look beyond averages and the obvious
  • Evidence based practice, use all data points
  • Pressure Testing, does the insight/opinion stand up to scrutiny

Articulate where you want to be

“Words matter, you can get peoples attention with financials, but to get their hearts you need emotion.”

  • Use emotion to craft a vision or target for the future
  • Be single-minded in the message you want to deliver
  • Make it memorable,  how will you ensure it stays with people?

  • Use the data and insight we have to set  meaningful targets
  • Sense check, do the metrics stack up, are they realistic?

  • Take the metrics and put them in the context of people
  • What is the specific change in behaviour we are trying to drive?

Choose what needs to be true to get there 

“The gap between where we are now and where we need to be is nothing but opportunity, it's the choices we make that determine if and how we get there."

  • Adopt a future back mindset
  • What ideas does the future vision generate?
  • What else might need to be true?

  • Group ideas
  • Identify triggers & barriers
  • Assess risk

  • Agree on criteria and weighting
  • Balance speed, cost & quality
  • Make selections and check back against the criteria

Let me help you on your journey

Tell me where you want to take your business and I'll give you the people perspective to help you get there

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